Monday, January 20, 2014

7-Comfort Zone

Monday December 23, 2013

                                                     Episode 10-"Comfort Zone"

      This episode shows the beginning and the end of my day. I went to work and started out showing you how I usually start my day. I usually read my bible and pray in the car listening to worship music. It's my comfort zone, where I get my peace. Later that afternoon when I stayed with Robbie one of the staff said she wasn't even sure what day it was because she was out of her comfort zone. We all were. Their whole job has changed and they have to relearn everything. For those who chose to stay and work it out and work with Robbie, I commend them. It's stressful for them, but they are doing a great job.
      I was stressed out too, and at the end of the day, I vented to the camera. Sometimes you just have to let it out.  Sometimes Christians try to make their lives appear perfect, like they have no problems. Well, I'm human and I have real emotions just like anyone else. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I get aggravated, but I don't stay there. I'll always end up "letting go, and letting God" by the end of the day.


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